Myth porcelain doll

Isabel could always have all the toys he wanted because her parents consented lot, then an afternoon spent by an antique shop and wanted a doll, it was so beautiful I could not stop thinking about it, it would be the cutest collection , was missing an arm, yet he was perfect in his eyes, the mother told him to make agree the next day and would go to buy to be feliz.Mito porcelain doll

Arriving at the house the girl could not sleep in any way because I was thinking about the wrist, so much so that in the morning when he got up was so sleepy that they no longer wanted nothing to buy it, not even reminded him of his mother vallan shopping, he thought it best not to have it.

That night at bedtime, Isabel went upstairs, he lay down on his bed next to her mother remained before to sleep he heard a tiny voice saying, -1, 2, 3 steps.

He warned quickly to the mother and she told him to sleep it was nothing, then left the room, I immediately heard 4, 5, 6 steps, time passed and it was with a tremendous fear, but thought it was his imagination until he heard 7, 8, 9, 10 steps and I'm in the hallway.

The next morning the mother got up early and her daughter was still asleep, which was normal because he had slept late, then cooked breakfast and went to wake her, but what she saw horrified her lifetime, was the girl drowned in the same san ... then the next was that the doll at her antique shop and with his arm in place.