It was morning and a family moved into a house and in that house went supernatural things as the family walked in, knew the house, and the children saw their rooms and the smallest girl who was 14 called Iris, was to see his room, and suddenly out of nowhere fell a game and she thought it was a normal game as all the game but it was not that game was cursed and began to play throw the dice and took 1 step grab a card and had to ask your desire and requested to take her room decorated as always wanted and went otherwise the devil will be found and killed and short parts and hung as decoration of the room and his mother yelled at him to come down to eat, and did not respond which it made it the weird because when she warned him and she always answered that already was or was not hungry and did not want but this time said nothing when his father under his room asked if the girl was with her and he said no, and asked did not know where he was and told him that if I was in her room unpacking his things and decorating and that the mother went to her daughter's room and saw parts of it hung on the wall like decoration and frightened, began to mourn and cry and they were with her and asked if that step and turned and got scared.
The next day they made their funeral and when the tribute just returned home and there was silence on the way into the house, and when all the older brother named John could not sleep went to bed because of what happened to her sister He went to the room of iris and the room she saw the game lying on the floor and throw the dice and took two steps grab a card and made a wish, and wish your sister back to life and was met but came the bad part of it and killed him brutally threw him into the river let drown and take it out of the river and tore his eyes and when Mom woke up in the morning was sure that her children were fine, but when he saw his eldest son It was not went looking everywhere in the house and went outside I look everywhere and found him dead near the torn eye laugh and cry and ran to the house and when everyone woke mom said her older brother She found him dead near the river without eyes and everyone cried and made the funeral and end and back home the twins are called fanny and Danixa told their parents in the room of his sister Iris was a game lying on the floor and the pieces were moved and the parents were thinking and when they arrived at the house ran to the living iris and caught the dice and gave it to Danixa and she threw and took three steps, grab a letter and made a wish that It was to know all the information of the games and will be fulfilled but nothing happened bad and Danixa said all the information about that game and parents and they understood and grabbed the game they returned to packaging and burned and began to mourn because I knew I was going to pass something bad to her daughter Danixa play the damn game and had dinner and everyone went to bed and Danixa also lay down and heard a strange noise from the living iris and went to the room and saw nothing but behind it was a ghost covered her mouth and took his soul, and the next day he made the funeral is over and when I returned home without making any noise and from that moment there was no laughter, no happiness.