The dummy (part 2): The plasticized

The name of the dummy that was in the previous story was Pamela and this is his story. Pamela was a girl who lived on the shores of the city and did not have many resources but were content with what they had and say that she had lived with his mother and his father. And as grew realized that her friends had more to her and began to be ambitious.

Once walking in the square he met an old man and he asked a coin but she denied it as the old man saw that away from him, he said, I know you have problems and can resolve and Pamela moved back to where She found the old man. She told desperate Help me what I can do and he told me a coin and will resolve your conflicts and Pam agreed, the old man took her to a small room that was in a dark alley and said before you come here you have to tell me obey everything I say and do not change your mind and pam just nodded.

Slowly they sank into those dark where there was an altar of candles and red bloody images. bread and a little scared began to ask questions but only one old man was silent. He sat beside the altar and made him promise horrible things first said you have to repeat everything I say, I swear to my new love that promise and fulfill all its mandates. my soul, my body and my being health in exchange for money and power.

He went home very smugly. When her mother gave her good news had already found work and money would move to a better house and the city center.
Everything began to flourish in the family liked him money and before long had a million dollar company but Pamela exploited for his talent, singing.

Pamela could not resist that life as strange things began to happen first skin is rarely falling hair and nails just started convulsing and there was blood coming from his mouth, sometimes saying nonsense and start to despair and scratching face, after his face began to disfigure yy though the old man had not told the devil had possessed.

Her body began to consume thwart breaking and wrinkle. But as Pamela already had a lot of money decided operated throughout the body.

And lucky it because of plastic injected while you died but died perfectly with a beautiful, beautiful face with perfect skin and body when he died plasticized seemed a mannequin.
As the family was not already owned everything started to fall down and the family was poor. Pamela's mother to get some money decided to sell her daughter's body like a mannequin in a shop and then begins another story that is the first part.