I remember when I was 6 years old my uncle who is a doctor showed me one of those bracelets that change color. If the bracelet was white means you're alive and if this means that these dead black. He told me that one day on a car crashed into a tree and the cart were 2 people. A person does not have serious damage, but if the other person had and had to do an operation. When they were going to do the surgery the patient will put one of these bracelets.
The patient died when they were doing an organ transplant and bracelet turned black. Tired my uncle was about to go home. Upon entering the elevator started talking with a woman. When the elevator reached the fourth floor he saw the patient he had operated a while was there and began to push a button for the elevator door closed. When the elevator door closed with the woman I was talking to said,
But that bad.
It's that the patient was operated and I had died, that perhaps did not see the black bracelet she wore.
-A Bracelet like this?
At that moment he realized he was talking to death and ran to the elevator. At that time I did not believe that story as always trying to scare me. At 15 I went to the hospital where my uncle works at night to visit. Upon entering the elevator a woman I wonder if he knew Dr. Kuran and I told him if he's my uncle.
That was the doctor who treated me after the crash but I had died.
At that moment I realized that the story he told me was true and not trying to scare me. When the elevator door opened ran without looking back. Behind I heard she laughed a devilish way. I was so scared that I did not realize it enters a dark room all.
Realizing the lights came on and I saw a lot of people who saw me with a wicked smile. Mrs. walked behind me with whom he was talking in the elevator. Seeing her hand to saw I had one of those black bracelets and all other people also. This is my end, I should have believed my uncle and now I'm going to die, Crimping me. At that time my uncle entered the room and some doctors were more behind him. At that time I ran towards them but I fell.
The woman told my uncle, "looks like I kill kill" and pulled a knife. It was impossible for me to move, but when she was aiming to kill a melody and ghosts disappeared was heard. I heal after a while but never knew who it was that saved me playing that melody. Now I found this woman for several places I've gone. For this to me they are places where many people.