the Aluxe legend Maya

We were in the wilderness camp where he was to get a seed. It was a field that included mounds of ruins perhaps ignored. Night fell and with it the song of loneliness. We guarecimos in a stone cave, and used a rope to lower a thick stick and he was kneeling on the floor of the cave.

The food that we get the we distributed. What was he doing there ?, the reader may think. I am trying to make sure what they saw thousands of eyes bewitched by fantasy. I tried to see these fantastic creatures who according to legend lived in whose (mounds of ruins) and fields: The ALUXES.

I was accompanied by a farmer old man surnamed May. The evening progressed ... Suddenly May took the floor and said:

Maybe you achieve this I will sow corn field.

'Why did not achieve it ?, I asked.

Because these areas are of aluxes. They are always seen around here.

Are you sure this night will they come?

Sure, I replied.

-¡Cuántos I wish to see those wonderful beings who exert much influence on you! And tell me, Mr. May have you seen them?

Explain to me, how they are, what they do.

The old man, assuming an air of importance, he said:

-for The night, as they sleep, they leave their hiding places and walk the fields; They are beings of small stature, children, small, tiny, which rise, fall, throw stones, do evil, steal fire and upset with his footsteps and games. When man wakes up and tries to leave, they move away, sometimes in pairs, sometimes in droves. But when the fire is alive and sparkling, they will form wheel and dance around him; a little noise makes them run away and hide, to exit and then stir again. They are not evil beings. If they are treated well, they correspond.

What benefit do?

-Alejan Chase the bad winds and pests. If they are treated poorly treated badly, and the corn gives nothing, because by night to steal the seed spreads day or dance on the little plants that begin to emerge. We wish them well and give you with food and cigarettes. But let silence to see if you achieved them.

The old man came out, clinging to the rope, and I followed him, I saw that fanned the fire and placed a Jicarita honey, pozole cigarettes, etc., and returned to the cave. I curled up in the back comfortably. The night was splendid, plenilunar night.

Some hours later, when he began to arrive to sleep, I heard a noise that startled me. It was rumored a couple of steps on the ground of the cave: then stoned noise, running, jumping, in the silence of the night became clearer.