
Sometimes lonely and adjustment problems, children tend to invent imaginary friends, or perhaps evil spirits take advantage of his solitude to disturb with dark thoughts and visions.

Whatever the case of Raul, the, barely 10 years old, claimed to have an invisible friend, who played with hide and seek; before proceeding telling them about this situation, I must say that Raul lives with his mother and his little sister 6 years, as is already almost normal unfortunately, parents are no longer with their families.

Returning to Raul and his friend, at first it was very funny, Raul heard a little voice inviting him to hide before the count reached 10, so this kind of whisper said:

1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... 10, the end of the count, Raul should already be hidden, then all he could see was like a little shadow He wandered looking for it. Raul did not tell his mother or sister about this friend, he was your secret, however, over time, things were changing, Raul felt an evil presence, and not feel like you are playing with your friend, when I heard the count, did not run for cover, and said he did not feel like playing, because he was scared, angry that his friend, Raul and it came with scratches, bumps, and even bites on my arm.

His mother realized what was happening, and asked what was happening, what Raul confessed this friend, his mother decided to install security cameras in the house to see who was doing harm to your child at night and Also check because I felt that night someone was walking around the house while everyone was asleep.

The things they were getting worse, Raul began to look like a sometimes dark hand came out from under his bed, or saw eyes glowing in the dark, which made her scream in the night, and her mother ran to her aid, her sister I was also affected, as also dawned hurt you sometimes, and no one could do anything, apparently only Raul was able to see his friend.

Please, leave us alone and, I will not play with you, leave my mother and Harmana quiet, not hurt them ... .decia Raul, however, each time the count was heard, something bad happened, 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ...... that was the sign that one could hear him, and indicating that he or his family would be hurt.

One night, everyone was asleep, but Raul awoke suddenly and saw a stop at the door of his room, felt a great fear black figure, but could not move a muscle, only saw the figure slowly walked to the room of his sister then hear the count of 1 to 10, and the blood froze, seeing as this sinister figure attacked his sister, unable to help her. Then he went to his mother's room, I retold, murderer and his mother, Raul could only hear her cries to say, please do not. The shadow approached Raul, who was petrified, and covered with darkness.

The next day the police to enter the house, found the bodies of the mother and sister of Raul, were mutilated, and something very disturbing, was that they had written on their bodies the numbers from 1 to 10, made with a knife for more Along with Raul, was nowhere, had disappeared, so they took the recordings of the security cameras of the house and located the father, who was the only family left.

By the father to the police station, visibly shaken by the death of his ex-wife and daughter, and the disappearance of his son, he was summoned to see what was on the tapes, and to the astonishment and terror of all in it he saw Raul, entering the room of his sister, count to 10, and murder with a knife, then escibir numbers in her body, her movements seemed odd, but definitely was, then go where his mother, see as I said, please do not do !, and then kill her, was I remain standing for more than 20 minutes looking at the corpse of his mother, and left the house without apparent direction. The shocked father realized that his son had mental problems, maybe some trauma, dropping some tears, just stay will go home, and wait for the police, found his troubled son.

That the father night while in his room, he was not able to sleep, I could not get out of your mind the image of his son counting to 10, and murdering his family, as if it were a game, but something distracted her pain, hearing footsteps in the darkness, reaching her room, joy filled him for a moment, to see it was Raul, lost his son ...

My God, Raul, son, where you been? ... ..that's What happened, do not be scared child, come ... I will take care ...

The joy had invaded chavism for a moment ... then, her blood which froze this time, when her son, just as I stare into his eyes, holding a large knife in his hand, and whispered so macabre ...

1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 ... 9 ... ..10!