Lake bodom

June 1960. Lake Bodom in Finland, near the capital Helsinki.

One day, four young (eighteen two boys and two girls of fifteen) they decided to spend a night at the campsite that was around Lake Bodom. That night would last for three of them.

During the night the group is attacked by a mysterious personage who attacks the whole group. One of the boys, Nils Gustafsson, escapes, although with great difficulty, the tent while his friends were being massacred. He ran up to ask for help but it was too late. Nils told police that the man who attacked them had a red light in his eyes.

The murderer of seensaño group and killed them with a savage violence, as the bodies were rediscovered in the depths of the lake, cut into pieces. The autopsy revealed that only a large sword or ax could have caused major cuts in such a short time. Nils Gustafsson maintained a silence about abuse for over a year due to trauma.

Finally, Nils told it was the same death that had come to look for them. No one could deny or confirm their statements as these guys were the ones who were present in the vicinity at the time of the facts. He was accused of killing his friends but was acquitted for lack of evidence.

Currently we know almost nothing of the crime or the murderer: What weapon acted the murderer? Who was? Why he does it? Do you really had a red light in his eyes? The mystere remains unresolved ...