
It was midnight when Diana left the university waiting for the bus on the street always had to leave that day later than usual because it was his turn help the teacher computer to spend a few notes of his fellow ...

It was a bit cold, the street seemed more desolate than usual was scared, the street lights began to flicker for a moment felt in those typical horror films ...
He moved his hands as if in cross himself, asking God that nothing happened when I suddenly saw a show bus was near, when he took the bus there were three people inside a young couple in the back and an old woman sitting in the middle of the bus.

Diana sat in the middle of the driver's side facing the front of that old lady who seemed very friendly.

Hey girl told the old woman ... What's your name?

Diana a little scared, confused and some told him his name.

That old lady looked up at the wedding couple who seemed to devour kisses on the back.

With an angry expression and thickly - these young people believe that this is a hotel, and nobody respects

Diana did not know whether to answer or just remain silent. So I just looked up at the back and blushed and then asking the couple to behave.

The old woman who was sitting to the right side near the window got up and sat next target.

girl You know I like you so much that if you tell a story not bother and will not be very long I will be as brief as possible

Diana had no choice and listen attentively to the elderly.

Ago-a long time there was a newlywed couple wanted a child but over time the woman was saddened to see that all his friends had children, was so desperate that he was isolated from his friends and family, I look for a witch to you help to keep the child she longed.

The witch asked three things as a favor because she did not charge money but called things out of the ordinary.

Diana I look carefully What could request that was strange?

It -pidió a bottle of blood from a poisonous snake

- And more difficult to keep the skin of a woman ...

Diana looked at her in a way aterrorizada.-The skin refers to the skin-not to be telling me who asked despellejara a woman?

If he asked exactly that answer very sure of what she had aged. The bus made a stop and jumped a little drunk man walking unsteadily then sat in the front.

As I was telling my dear ... anciana.- continued the woman was so desperate that the witch got what he demanded.

The snake blood got it from a man who was dealing with animals, which asked him to deliver it dead and introduced into a glass bottle snake.

Except on the body of a woman is not sure what to do? He thought or hoped that a family member died unknown to execute their plan but you would not expect complicated and may therefore have to do it now!

Published a notice in the newspaper in which it sought a domestic assistant and her husband went on a journey and no one would visit as - I told you she was isolated from everyone.

The old woman turned pause ... Well, this time took the bus a very pretty woman, with a very short red dress and lush body of those women that captivate any man.

Diana looked at her with contempt and beautiful girl behind the older man was up she could say his father but to see them as hugging and holding hands. He guessed that this young woman was his mistress.

The old woman continued her story ... to see that the car continued his march

-In The night he committed the murder killed his employee cutting his throat while he slept. Achievement skinning the body of a fine and meticulously leaving only muscle and blood. clean all evidence fragmenting the body into pieces and put it in a sack by pulling in the municipal dump.

He went to the witch to conduct work, this gave a slightly bluish, sour and strong smell that could not deduce that era, witch brew asked him to return after two days.

Those two days were desperate for women but managed to forget the happiness of having a child ...

When it came time to go where the witch, waiting with a stronger brew than the previous bitter taste was the first who managed to pass out for a few hours. When reacted was found lying on a table, the witch gave him a jar with another concoction but this was for the husband to explain that when he was in bed with her husband she would conceive.

And so it was that after a month the doctor gave them the good news, hope looked into it and all she performed bore fruit.

They spent nine months and the woman started having labor pains that night was darker, supernatural silence perhaps, but at the door of his house came a woman, was the witch. Who entered the house unexpectedly and assisted in the delivery, but he was born that day was not a normal child was a child with snake eyes, big teeth like a dog's husband did not understand what was happening, I can not stand to see such a monster and he was shot in the head that caused his brain little dirty the face with his blood.

A woman does not care that his son was a monster she loved him since he was in her womb witch I approached her and this gave breastfeeding in her arms. Eventually the baby learned to control his enormous teeth but not your hunger ...

The bus stopped running and looked at Diana asustada.-

dear, if you can say you still need to eat something more, ok food not help but devour the blood the people remains strong, before the old witch helped me getting silly and spoiled children but she died long ago and I really I'm not so young to continue helping my baby, times are changing.

- I have to go down this is my favorite stop.

As I said it is a very brief history

True I have not told my son is the driver of this bus.

Diana looked up at the front where the driver was and saw those eyes as deep as a snake, under the old bus driver hill its doors and large fangs spotted.

That night was not heard from again ... Neither of those target other occupants of the bus ...