Myth Creature Watcher

It is very strange that some people think they saw an apparition or a ghost by some kind of optical illusion of the moment or a bad play of his brain, but when more than one person are at the same time as it is thought to be more than a simple confusion that happened in Buenos Aires while people were traveling, making his daily journey late at night in the collective public transport daily used, the same was true for the Israelite cemetery area Citadel and was in that place where it appeared that we now know as a myth, it was a figure in the middle of the fog, then worked the line 237 to reach a destination that today works with another number.

The interesting thing about this tour was that all passengers were very expectant when passing by the cemetery of it came a fog that began to pursue the same level as they were, all who were there the could see and then what happened It was that the fog began to take shape of a woman and everyone could see how it ran alongside the bus like I was floating, when they made a block is then that figure would have vanished, but people began to talk about what they had seen and no one could believe at all.