
The appearance in Middle and specifically in Anahuac, this high figure, blond, white, bearded and deep culture has given rise to the creation of several myths and legends that anthropologists, scientists and explorers foreigners have woven a tangled every time more difficult to disentangle. In the Tlahuica, as confusing as the Greek mythology story is embroidered with respect to Quetzalcoatl, like the birth of King Solomon, as is said in the ancient codices Quetzalcoatl was born of a virgin woman named Chimalma and Rey Mixtocóatl God, King of Tollan. That embarrassed for having given birth without marriage, Chimalma put the child in a basket and threw it into the river. (It does not know which one) and some elders raised and educated, having become a wise and learned man to return to Tollan, took over the government.

Moreover it is said that Quetzalcoatl was a blond, white, tall, bearded man of great scientific knowledge, who taught the settlers of what is now Mexico, to till the metals, jewelry, lapidary, astrology etc. although he never got to know their nationality and origin. It is said that having drunk the soft neutle (pulque) got drunk and committed shameful acts after which he decided to leave for always taking the direction of the Gulf of Mexico or the turquoise sea.

In a ceremonial suicide by four young men who accompanied him his disciples, he sank forever, renacienco as the star of the morning and later adopting the name of Quetzalcoatl, which means feathered serpent or snake beautiful plumage.

The Maya adopted Quetzalcoatl as god as to there took their conocimentos and his astonishing culture, placing the name of Kukulcan, which means the same, plumed serpent or vote (it must have been her real name) and received from him the wisest religious teachings as both political and artistic.

It is said that the Toltecs, Mayans Nahoas and deified and put their symbol in all palaces, monuments and temples of the Maya and Mesoamerican zone where can still be seen in remembrance and veneration of the wise, that according to the Mayan tradition, rose the pantheon and became the star Venus, which is so identified by archaeologists fanciful.

Now when Hispanic hosts reached the Veracruz lands in command of the frontier captain Hernán Cortés, and as we have in their tasty chronic Bernal Diaz del Castillo, they found a surprise that in these days of greed and unbridled plunder not They were given the importance that had and still today, must have. Tells the chronicler soldier who arrived on the shores of what would become New Spain, the Emperor Moctezuma sent some tendiles bearing gifts, gold and jewelry and many rich gifts that far from making Cortés again bow to the sea, tempted by ambition. One of these tendiles to see that one of the soldiers of Cortez had a helmet of brass shining in the sun, asked to see him, saying that for many, many years, had come to the Great Tenochtitlan a blond man, bearded and white, carrying a like hull; that he had to leave was given and the priests placed on the head of the representative idol of Huitzilopochtli God. He Requested
that he lent his helmet to match it with the one who had set their God.

And it turned out that the golden helmet was God, was equal to the Spanish soldier, only that both sides had about ergot-style Viking helmets.

Tendil that not only led to the saying Hernán Cortés golden helmet, but also a white, tall, bearded, blond resembled the conqueror, saying his name was Quintalbor, that in no way is the Mexican name, Maya or corresponding any of the languages ​​spoken in the New World. But instead of carefully examining the hull and if they did it was not entered in any relationship charts, they took a dodgy and relax the presence of that bearded, blond white man identical to Hernán Cortés, the degree of apparently his son or his twin and since then they called Don Cortez.

When the conquerors arrived to the fabulous city of Tenochtitlan, chief priests and spoke of a blond bearded man like themselves, who for many years had been among them and had predicted that one day they would come to the country and bearded men with powerful weapons enslave the manor.

Moctezuma, who tells us the story was a timid, pusillanimous monarch, believed that with the arrival of Hernán Cortés and his handful of rapacious prophecy was fulfilled almost left to the handful of Hispanic gallows, the fate of his kingdom, of his empire.

Now, it is assumed that Quetzalcoatl was not that mysterious bearded man, possibly Nordic, which left remember his Viking helmet since then Europe had no culture and numerical skills and calendrical possessed by the Mayans and the myth and legend are woven into an impenetrable warp confused because of the anthropological and archaeological studies made in a majority by foreigners.

Maybe if Tollan had a wise and good ruler whom they named Quetzalcoatl, son of Chimalma and God-King Mixcoatl, but is also quite possible that priests and astronomers then, observing the skies in the way they did, They have discovered that the world, your world, part of the Milky Way, this enormous galaxy known today and which we belong and to which gave name Ixtacmixcoatl meaning "Snake dotted with precious stones or constellations" snake encrusted with diamonds. And after you have been observations as Quetzalcoatl, beautiful feathers and snake worship extended to the inhabitants of Mesoamerica. Hence, in the marvelous old buildings that have been sculpted these symbols and revered as a deity, as any wise man it was, he was never given the rank of God.

And finally ending the legend and myth, the story, and speculations, we must settle which some archaeologists, the feathered serpent never existed, it would be absurd juxtaposition mixture or religious purposes, a beautiful bird and reptile .

What happened and this can and must be given the most credit is that the men of the civilization so advanced in their artistic sublimation, carved a snake with panache, with jaguar claws and created a monstrous and beautiful figure at a time, as the mythical dragon of the Chinese in which they want to entangle the mysterious pilgrim blond barbarian, at least, as their culture must have been nearly complete, may have left written his name and that of his country in one of the walls, fresh or bas-reliefs of temples and palaces.

So back to the same. Quetzalcoatl man Quetzaltcoalt God, absurd amalgam of present generations. Misunderstanding of the mysterious of those people who have given rise to one of the most widespread legends in America and the world.