the cocay legend Maya

Perhaps some night in the field you've seen a spark of light that shines and moves side to side; light that produces the cocay, which is the name given to the Maya Firefly. They know how this insect was created light, this is the story they tell:

There was once a beloved by all the people of the Mayab Lord, because it was the only thing that could cure all diseases. When patients would beg that would ease, he pulled a green stone from his pocket; then he took her in his hands and whispered a few words. That was enough to heal any damage.

But one morning, the Lord went for a walk into the forest; I would lie there awhile and entertained hours to complete the songs of the birds. Suddenly, dark clouds took over the sky and began to fall a great rain. The Lord got up and ran to shelter from the rain, but hurry, did not realize that his green stone is left pocket. Arriving home expecting a woman to ask her to heal his son, the Lord looked and saw that his stone was not. Muypreocupado, wanted to go look, but he thought it would take too long to find it, so I called together various animals.

Soon came the deer, the hare, the vulture and the cocay. Very seriously, the Lord said:

?I need your help; I lost my green stone in the jungle without it I can not cure. You know better than anyone roads, caves and corners of the jungle; Hence my stone look, whoever finds it will be well rewarded.

At these last words, the animals ran for the green stone. Meanwhile, cocay, it was a very committed insect, flying slowly and wondered again and again:

? Where will the stone? I have to find her, just so the Lord will heal again.

And although the cocay was from the beginning who took over the search, the deer found the stone first. Seeing her so nice, would not share it with anyone and swallowed.

? Here you will find nobody? Is said ?. Starting today, I'll healing and patients have to pay me for them.

But as he thought those words, the deer fell ill; He gave her a tummy ache so strong that she had to return the stone; then he fled scared.

Meanwhile, cocay it spun through the jungle. He would go into the smallest gaps, reviewed every corner and leaves of plants. He does not talk to anyone, just thinking about what would be the greenstone place.

By that time, the animals began the search had already tired. The buzzard was flying too high and could not see the ground, the hare ran very fast without seeing deer around and wanted no stone; well, there was a time when the only search was cocay.

One day, after meditating for hours on the whereabouts of stone, cocay felt a spark of light in his head:

? I know where it is! ? He shouted happily, for he had seen in his mind the place where the stone was. He immediately flew over there and although at first he did not realize, then felt a light came out of her body and lit her way. He soon found the stone and soon brought it to its owner.

Lord, I looked in every corner of the forest and finally today I found your stone? Told the delighted cocay, while his body was going on.

? Thanks, cocay? Replied the Lord? I see that you yourself have achieved a reward. That light comes out of you represents the nobility of your feelings and your brilliant intelligence. From today will accompany always to guide your life.

The cocay goodbye and was very happy to platicarle animals what had happened.

All congratulated him on his new gift, unless the hare, who was envious of the light and wanted to steal cocay.

? That spark would be me me better; What I see in a necklace? ? He thought the hare.

Thus, to achieve his desire, he waited for the cocay was fired and began to follow him on the mountain.

? Cocay! Come on, show me your light? He yelled the bug when he was sure nobody saw them.

? Sure? Cocay said and stopped their flight. Then the hare took and wham! he pounced. The cocay was crushed under his belly and I could barely breathe when the hare started jumping from one side to another, because he believed that he had missed cocay.

The cocay started flying slowly to hide from the hare. Now, it was he who pursued a while and distracted when he saw her, he wanted to get even. Then he flew above it and put it on his forehead, while lit. The hare was a terrible fright, because he believed he had been struck by lightning in the head and bounced but could not extinguish the fire, as the cocay was flying over it.

In that, he came to a cenote and in desperation, she thought it was best to jump into the water, just so that you avoid burning your head. But as he jumped, the cocay flew away from the top and laughed heartily hare, trying to leave the cenote all wet.

Since then, even the larger animals respect the cocay, lest one day deceive you with its light.