the Güestia

It is said that at night no one should approach the cemetery in any way because the dead rise, at least do their souls to wander all over it, a person would see as the future destiny and death That's why you should not be near this place is cursed by Güestia is waiting to see a person to take her, are like monks walking behind a quite frightening figure with one ounce as if it were the death itself that guides his path.

It is said in the myth of Güestia not everyone is within the people who get up at night after they die, but rather those who still have outstanding land things and therefore have not found heaven, it is assumed then it is those who are in purgatory and that is their way to purge until they can resolve things they were pending, but maybe there's a possibility that never get to the end, which would be very bad for his immortal soul will always be wandering the graves. For this reason, it always alive should solve problems, fights, all questions then we can stop dead in an eternal purgatory for having failed to solve or not to think that the little things were important.