the road

It was a day like any other, we were in school eager to end the day as it was the last day of school ..

My friends and I decided to throw a party to celebrate the end of year lunch decided to get good agreement as it would be organized the party ...

We all agree that the party would begin at 8:00 pm at the home of a friend of ours Ester ..

Classes ended and I was half way home the way I met an old Fani crumb Ester to which no longer speak much and tried to keep away from Esther.

Hello ... I said.

Hello .contesto ...

-¡¿quieres Go to prom party house .in Esther ¿

-DO NOT!!! I will not go into that house ever in my life.

I looked completely confused and asked .and But why What, she just left.

I got home and I started looking for my best clothes to go to the end of the course. I found a beautiful dress (in my opinion) and I said this is.

They gave .comencé 7:37 pm to get ready to go to the party at Esther. I was a little nervous because I had never gone to Esther but my friends had explained to me where I should go to get home .. I left my house .. Walk a good time to get to what was a dead no light. .But the road coincided with the indications I got my friends .. I started walking and suddenly the wind began to blow very strong ..Unas drops began to fall on my face ... I kept walking until I realized I was completely lost ... on the way there was no house any light shine the way even ... suddenly began to hear footsteps behind me .. And I thought .. Are they some friends coming to the party?

I ..Volteé look to see if anyone was coming ..but not see anyone and ..Solo thought is a thought .. .. Until I walked go through what looked like a deserted house ..The house was small and seemed he was going to fall ..of how old was a heavy downpour soon broke out and started to get wet so I decided to start running .for I did not want to get me that dirty abandoned house that saw a large tree in front of me and I decided to take refuge there as rain stopped and some ..but I was there an hour and the water was even seemed like it was becoming more and more intense .. My shoes were wet like my clothes .. I started to feel very cold ... in the distance suddenly .vi path of a light went on ..

It was opaque but weak ..Muy was a light that shone on the side of the road .. the stare and the light was a silhouette ..Parecía a woman in a long dress standing there half ..Estaba rain ..and I thought what a woman ara in the rain? at this time? .. I decided to get closer to see it better .. as I got closer I started nodding a chill throughout my body ... being just a few meters of the figure. Note that his face was covered by her hair ..and had his hands full of blood .. I was scared and started to walk away and at one point ... ..Esa thing raised his eyes to me ..Tenía the deformed face and I looked with an evil and demonic face

..Comenzó Walking towards me ..I started to scream and run around that dark path ..Escuchaba their steps back from mine thought would reach me at any time and take me with her to hell soon noticed he was ..of he ran in circles and that little light I had seen was weakening more and more .. So stop listening to the steps of the woman who followed me stop shaking ... ..Estaba an immense darkness soon began to flash and the old house that was next to the light I saw the body of my friends ..Todos massacred and bloody ... and out of the house the woman with the white coat ..Sosteniendo a knife in his hand.

... Decesperadamente .comencé to run down the dark street ..Hasta finally ..corrí out of that dark alley as fast as I could to get to my house where my mom met me and burned me ... I feel my pale face and my body trembled I could not even talk ... my mother accompanied me to my room and tuck until finally calmed me

and and I fell asleep ..

The next morning I woke up and down to the breakfast room ... Thinking that last night was just a horrible dream ... look down and there was a newspaper on the table where he said he had found the bodies of young school of dismembered .. Inside an old house ... and suddenly a piece broke off and fell to the ground ... .. .the take and said in large letters written in blood ... "I'm coming for you" !!!