Can I sleep with you?

Mami..puedo I sleep with you tonight?

So it was like every night the little Lily just 10 years old he asked his mother, who always allowed him to sleep with her, and who lived alone, and Lily seemed to be suffering from visions and nightmares, I was so afraid to darkness. Her mother let her sleep but always at his side, he also explained that he had nothing to fear, that the darkness is but the absence of light, and things in his room remained the same. So uncomfortable was that Lily's mother worked all day, and arrived rather late at night, so Lily was to go to bed first, then if something frightened her, had to wait for his mother to return to sleep with it.

One night, his mother and being at home, Lily slept in his room, but something woke, his bed had been shaken, as if someone had moved from below, she tried to ignore the phenomenon, putting into practice the advice of his mother but inside the closet also a blow was heard and the door thereof, began to open slowly, Lily closed her eyes with all his strength, praying that when opened, nothing embers going, but when opened, only felt like a hand came out from behind her, as if someone else sleeping beside embers, Lily came screaming in his room, and ran to his mother who was already asleep, the mother woke with a start, and nervous to see his daughter She cried panic.

.mami ... Mom ... mom wants to take not let him take me, let me sleep with you tonight ... ..decia poor Lily desperately to his mother, who comforted ofcourse, let her sleep with her and hugged .

Do not worry dear daughter, nobody is going to hurt while I'm with you, sleeps peacefully ...... .so her mother said Lily, and these words soothed, and more to feel the warmth of his mother's body, however , looking towards the entrance of the room, there was always a dark figure, which appeared to be staring at her, but she could not make out the face.

Hold me ......... mom to say that, and shut their eyes, the sinister silhouette vanished.

They spent many nights, until Lily began sleeping with the light turned on in your room, waiting for her mother got home from work, and if you have some nightmare run alongside. At about 10:00 pm, Lily woke up, the lights were off mysteriously, she could only move his eyes, but no part of his body felt paralyzed, and not only that, someone was lying beside her, of soon he could move, and try to get out of bed, his surprise was even greater when he saw that the bed was raised from the ground, almost up to the ceiling of the room, Lily was launched, and without looking ran to turn on the light, ensuring they disappeared visions, but the light did not work, luckily I hear her mother's voice telling you that had already come home, and was in her room, Lily opened the door and in an instant was in his mother's room.

Mami ... .please, I will take that as you get better ...... ......... his mother said Lily quickly when lying down beside her, hug her mother, though perhaps by how cold it was that night, your body does not It felt so warm as before, but Lily was so scared this time, they only thought of being next to his mother, so he strongly grabbed the arm that held her, Lily heard footsteps approaching the room, they stopped at the entrance, and there was the sinister silhouette, this time with the value that was to be with Mommy and feel his hug, I managed to take a flashlight that was on the nightstand of the room and hold his mother's embrace , gave birth to the silhouette that stood there, but to illuminate the face of that dark appearance, what he saw was the face of terror of his mother, who had just arrived home, and was terrified to see his little daughter lying It is embraced by a dark shadow.

Lily Li ... ...... ...... daughter who is next to you in bed? ... .le Asked his mother trembling with terror, Lily opened her eyes as ever he had done as he turned slowly to see who was in bed, but He could only see that arm that held her, cold, gray, soulless, its ran to her mother, and Lily try to get off, but whatever was he was with her, he growled like a wild animal, and disappeared into the bed, leaving Lily with her.

His mother broke into tears, to see his daughter had disappeared forever, she could do nothing, though perhaps soon could meet with her, as a little sinister and fit girl silhouette, standing at the entrance of the room he asked:

Mami ... .puedo sleep with you tonight?