The baby Beatrice

The job has always been necessary for people who have young children and find a person who engages in an exemplary manner that neither is easy. But Adriana, a single woman who loved to babysit was perfect, had his ad in the newspaper for everyone who wanted to hire, she had no husband, no children, so it was easy to do his job. He always made sure of who hired because rumors had nannies missing in different places, so was careful. One day he received a call in which a woman's voice asked their services.

Good morning Adriana, my name is Beatrice, needed his services for the care of my little, is a newborn, I only need to look after him tonight, I will not be home, but he should leave the key out for you to enter, the child will be in your room sleeping or playing, then I'll go to his house personally to pay for their services, just ask him to look after him very well ... and for no reason leave him alone ...... voice said over the phone.

Adriana I seemed perfect, so I did not think to find out more about who contraba, so I point the direction, and I hope the time to go to work. That night came home Adriana Beatriz, and actually found the key and was told the house was quite nice, giving him more confidence and tranquilidadñ entered, all was quiet, Adriana wanted to go see the child, but felt so quiet in the room, who thought it best not to wake the child, and decided to take down reading a novel.

To spend hours, Adriana hear a tapping coming from the basement, they were just a few taps, but went to check anyway, as she took care of the house, so low slowly downstairs to the basement, which I was somewhat neglected, full of things, and very dark, for some reason it was the only place so dismal house without light, as if hiding something Beatriz. As I walked inside, I hear again the timid taps, which seemed out of a door in the basement wall, Adriana slowly approached the door, a little nervous, when opened, his surprise was great to fall on a dying woman, lacerated, beaten and with signs of having been tortured, the woman looked at Adriana eyed terror, and then died, Adriana quickly took it from above, stood crying, very upset, but looking toward the room where he had fallen the woman froze, seeing many other women in the room stacked, one on another, the most dead, and others about to be.

Adriana panicked and ran out of the basement, just thinking out of the house, to get to room, I hear the voice of the baby up in his room, it looked like it laughing and making sounds, Adriana thought that Beatrice was maybe a crazy and she must rescue the baby, and take him, so I shot up to the child's room, upon entering, saw the cradle to the bottom of it, but as you approach something stopped its passage, a small radio was lying on the floor, the lift, pressed the button "play" and the sound he produced was that of a little baby laughing and making sounds, the same as she had just heard.

What the hell is in that cradle? ...... .se Told herself very nervous Adriana, only he took two slow steps toward the crib, but before his coming out to see the baby, a dark hand, and huge came ..Adriana cradle ... In desperation I went screaming and running from the house, did not stop running until he reached his. When he arrived he locked himself in his room but not stop shaking for everything that had just experienced. Adriana went to the internet and began looking for information on missing nannies, and among the many who managed to find, I saw a very similar to the woman fell on her in the basement, also was informed about several cases in which a woman nobody has ever seen hires babysitters by phone, which then disappear, but having no witnesses, no description of the woman has never been able to investigate more about the case, then, Adriana was always careful, he repented for not having been on this occasion, and had much to repent, because his phone call came at that time, Adriana saw it was the same number that had hired ...... even when frightened, it was decided to answer ... Beatriz, although His voice was a little different on this occasion:

.Adriana -Adriana ... ... Good night, I come home and to my surprise, I found my beautiful baby alone, you have been very irresponsible to have gone that way, normally would be very angry, but told me my baby it was all a confusion, he did not want to frighten, to see who does not hold a grudge, will abide by what I said, personally goeth to his house to pay for your service ...... ah ...... I'll take the baby and me, I think that you will like to know ... ..-

Adriana dropped his cell without being able to answer anything, his face was that of a person living the greatest terror of his life, and could only become paralyzed, motionless, while someone knocked on the door of his house.