The Death Worm

There is a myth that talking about the worm of death, it is of Mongolian origin and spread throughout the world, this is a child who was playing in the sand of the desert, was with him a box of toys and their parents quietly they had left a moment only she could entertain, but then the child reached into the box to get a toy that had there been automatically would have died, which is why his parents came quickly and see it lying on the sand, they could not understand what was happening, but as they arrived later they also found the cause of his death, there were signs that led them to think that it was a worm of death which already had heard only, so It is that they went to look to see if it was real.

The myth does not follow in the best way, because when the child's parents managed to find it, it gave a shock that would have left both fully cooked and that was the end, no one can tell about this worm but nevertheless it is said to be totally real, but as mentioned do not exist no evidence that it does, but it is feared and prevent any similar bug that is in the wilderness, there are many myths that unlinked from the same but in principle it began believing in the worm but then also in different species with similar characteristics.