The principle of the lives of the dwarves and elves occurs from the skin of Ymir as they left the same as if they were worms coming out of your body, then there were divided into these two races, which are very difficult to distinguish and both are different, none of them are as bad as other beliefs paint them, but each one has an assigned task and do not mess with humans, reportedly are the elves who can make people sick or favor them in healing them, yet not always have to do with this, some describe them as tall and beautiful, but actually in the beginning were small like dwarfs, they are not naughty.
The dwarves are on earth to do and forge through all his wisdom the weapons used in battle heroes, gods do also for divine instruments, but otherwise the elves are divided between those who dwell in heaven having various tasks and those on earth who have other tasks, always associated with heroes and gods, to serve them at all times, they are all male, and therefore do not reproduce in any way, simply they appear more and more each time It needed, but they should not be afraid because they retain no relationship directly with people within this mythology, but they do their job and do not like to be disturbed, but there are no consequences for it.