The psychiatric hospital (Part 2)

The night was still and Luke and Oscar were following their separate places seeking to capture any paranormal evidence. Oscar was one floor below the basement he found prowling the dank basement. He was very entertaining entering how much room was ahead when inadvertently he appeared luke, but did not have his camera, which he was particularly struck, but a detail that surprised him most was the rapides with that under the basement from the second floor, and this was without his camera, "the camera never leaves his" thought Oscar and asked, "hey luke and your camera?"

This stared at him for about five seconds and said, "oh let it out with Mario". Oscar thought about and decided to doubt his friend was nonsense and that perhaps the environment into your mind play against him, kept walking and recording with Lucas but he did not talk, oscar decided to go on with it and not pay attention Lucas because maybe I was just scared.

The night was still, Oscar and Lucas had climbed back upstairs to finish his expedition, when Luke says, "hey she went up to record saw a bedroom full of blood will record better there, have good shots of the place." Oscar was excited and said clear and continued walking, after five minutes touring the eerie corridors of the hospital, they finally reached the room that was supposedly full of blood and Oscar could feel the smell of decomposing body was impregnated in the room , derrepente Luke closes the door and says, "Look prepare everything to take pictures, just let me find something in the cellar" I opened a small door at one of the drenched walls blood in the room came in and closed the door, Oscar I'm waiting when derrepente they called their radio. It was Mario, who in a trembling voice asks, "what are you grabbing still there?" To which Oscar replies, "I'm in the room down the hall on the second floor," Mario saves a few seconds of silence and asks, "And what are you doing there?" To which Oscar replied excitedly, "I'm with Lucas we will take a photo in the room and we're on our way."

Mario awhile in silence "Salt friend there as soon as possible ... .." oscar stays and said with a trembling voice about to mourn, he takes it with humor because their friends liked JOINING banter between them, when your dog suddenly began to mourn and pull the strap, then oscar asked with a mocking voice "because we have to leave here well and lucas" And Mario answers, "Friend, ASOMATE out the window." Oscar leaned out the window and was paralyzed with terror seeing mario lucas was standing outside with his hands moving in warning while Mario was telling the radio out of there as soon as possible.

Depronto the small door he had entered that thing was just Lucas began to open slowly and dog oscar started barking, a sense of despair and ran horror every muscle in oscar, taking with forces the strap of her ran dog to the door and ran as he listened as the thing ran after him, came to that window through which they entered, was taking his dog when he realized that monster or whatever it was had entered the room and approached to the Oscar was frightened and jumped out and started running and mourn when they grabbed him by the arm, it was Mario and Luke who embraced him crying and thanking it was right and asking to remain calm, Oscar was very agitated but the Once relieved of aver able to leave there alive, beginning to dawn and the three boys decided to go home.

Those guys promised never talk about it anymore and stop doing paranormal expeditions.