The radio

Armando, a single two teenagers aged 14 and 13 years, Jimmy and Javier, who were very loving and respectful father, every night, met 3 after dinner, telling stories of terror, or simply amazing, and competed to see who claimed the best, but that was to be a family game. Armando worked hard, in the morning he said goodbye to their children, and then return later in the evening, the boys were engaged while attending the farm because his father needed help.

One night when Armando was returning from work very tired, turned on the radio to his old self, to hear some music while I got home, driving these dirt and dust, typical of the areas where there is only large and huge crops corn from side to side of the road, but all I could tune was static, there was no station to listen, until I found a very peculiar, which was to begin a late-night horror stories, narrated by a mysterious male voice, Armando I found very strange, but both interesting, so he listened to the voice saying:

"Good night to all who are listening to us in this dark, dark night, those who are alone at home, those who are trapped in a basement, or who are driving after a day of hard work, this time do not tell you a story, this time I'm going to put several different situations, and should decide how to react in each case, in the end, leave you with the worst nightmare you will ever have, if they have the courage to listen, I recommend changing the preset at this time".

Armando had never heard of this station, and of course, would not lose the opportunity to listen to this mysterious tetrico speaker and broadcaster, was also clear that everything you said was just to scare the listener, so very excited decided to listen.

"I see you have decided to listen to me, poor lost souls ... prove to be very brave ... I start ..bueno, and were warned ... ..solo one last thing, once they begin to listen, they can not quit ... .Although they want,"

Go! this is going to be spectacular ... .penso Armando.

"For those who are home alone, they imagine hearing noises outside his home ?, noises that do not know where they come from, but closer and closer? ... Pay attention, maybe listen ... and those who are driving a dark path, be very careful if any woman in white roadside to ask them to stop, it may not really be .... "

In saying this, Armando achievement see a silhouette on the horizon, and as he approached his car, he saw a woman in white, standing on the dark road, staring at him, Armando did not stop, and increase speed, from the woman..

But what the hell was that? ... I think I affected the comment of this type ... ..the told himself, and continued listening.

"Do not be afraid dear listeners ... .AUN NO !,'re still starting out, imagine that you are at home, are already listening as something, someone, or several bang their doors and windows trying to enter, grumble, grumble, but they see nothing because there is no light in the house, and you folks drivers are already seeing those bright eyes that are among the cornfields, but be careful that it does not distract its management, if they are injured can catch the ...

At that time Armando saw the bright eyes, was so frightened that lost control and ran off the road, trying to turn the car back, something approaching that of the thicket cornfield, derrepente a blow to your self something was shaking violently ... .Armando achievement start the vehicle and sped to continue toward home, very scared.

But that is happening, it's almost to me, this is wrong, I do not intend to continue listening to this radio station Demon ... ..dijo Armando, who tried to change the station, even turn off the radio, but it was impossible, I could not stop listen to the voice, then he recalled that the narrator said that once started, would no longer be possible to stop it.

"By now some of you are so afraid, wishing never have listened ... and you at home, are running for your life, do not know who the attacks, but have nowhere to hide, they will be slaughtered, murdered, but before die, you will see on your walls faces, symbols and algunios details from me ... .. "

In saying that, there was only static and the radio signal is lost, Armando was relieved at not having to keep listening to something sinister, and just thought to get home ..

Demons without callus mouth, fucking insane, at last I'll see my children, and end this night of madness ... Armando said, but when I got home, it was dark, and there was a great silence, took out his flashlight and slowly opened the door, calling her two children who did not respond to the light, Armando saw destruction everywhere, and a cold froze his blood, to find her two dead children on the floor, slaughtered, murdered, just as I said the speaker mosterioso Armando broke into tears, crying for what happened, but his lament, I hear static, and realized that their children were home the radio on, listening to the same station, illuminated walls, and saw staves, faces were smiling devilishly, and dark figures, Armando was preparing to leave the house, very affected by his loss, but the voice of the return radio, what made him stop in his walk ...

"We apologize to our listeners, by the time outside air, to which I listened to at home, I have nothing to tell you ... ..but ...... .a drivers, who have just arrived home; What if their dead, rise, covered in blood, with black eyes darkness and with a voracious appetite for human flesh, but you never realized that you are just behind, because they are very distracted by them crying, tell me ... that would do? ... .the leave you with that thought, and I say, that's all for tonight terror ".

Armando again heard static on the radio, but also heard a couple of steps behind him, and he understood what he meant broadcaster, decided not turning. not to see what was now their children and what they would do to him.