What I want to show

Love in adolescence is something very special, you learn to love, feel the butterflies in the stomach, and feel you can not live without that person next to you.

However, not everyone is lucky enough to find that love, some we are made more difficult, and that was the case of Manuel, a boy of 15, who lived a little depressed, to see that all his friends had partners and the not yet, being a somewhat introverted person, and maybe not so handsome, but was hoping to meet that special girl who would make you feel happy. Of course, could not miss the typical school boy he was always teasing him, considering a nerd, this guy was Roberto, a young very handsome, and very popular with the girls from school, Manuel wanted to be like him, and she hated him for always treat so bad, to which Manuel would always say:

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Roberto know, someday I'll have a girlfriend, and quit bothering me, but if that does not happen soon, I avenge all that you do to me!

You're just a fool Manuel, why girls do not look at you at all ...... walk go play with your computer ... .le Roberto was saying.

But one day back home, out of school, Manuel found a small paper laying on the ground, normally I would have ignored, but he thought he saw something was written on it, to lift the paper said:

"Robert, you're a lovely guy, I would like to show you something you never forget, call me, Maria"

Manuel could not believe how lucky I was with the girls Roberto, these to what looked, felt a pain in his chest, envy, she decided to take the role, and call it to this girl, and somehow convnserla to know . And so he did.

Hi, sorry to call you, my name is Manuel ...

Manuel? ...... I thought it was Robert, I do not know you, and I do not care ....

Wait, wait ...... for your voice I see you're a girl really cool, just let me know, at least I can be your friend ... ..dijo, Manuel, something desperate ..

Mmmmm, I do not know, there is something I want to Roberto ...... .respondio Show her the girl with angelic voice.

SHOW ME me, promise not to say anything ... ..I am very respectful ......!

Well, you know ?, this well, you will know, go to the park tomorrow, come to my house, I'll be alone.

The girl hung up, but Manuel did not leave his astonishment, am puzzled, I could not believe that order would come out with a girl, but did not know her personally, had nothing to lose. The next day he put on his best clothes and perfume, and went to the park to meet this girl, interested in Roberto, on arrival, saw the girl sitting on a bench, dressed as he had said, was beautiful face angelic.

Wow !! go if you're cute ... ..no is to say ....

Thanks, do not say anything, come with me to my house, I do not like to be out a long time ......

Manuel was struck by cupid, and thought that going to the house of the girl, was his best chance to know her better and to show everyone that he could have a girlfriend. On reaching the house, the girl sat beside her on the sofa in the room, and after a chat alone, Manuel asked:

And that was what you were going to show Roberto ?, I would love to see it .... I asked timidly ...

Aaahh, it is true, right, close your eyes, count to ten, and go up to my room, I'll be waiting for you to show the coquettishly girl ...... ..dijo ...

At the end of counting, Manuel stood alone, the girl was upstairs and was told also, started to walk, but he saw footprints on the floor, seemed to the girl, barefoot, derrepente house seemed larger, had an endless hallway up, was not really stairs, Manuel followed the footprints, who mysteriously got bigger, as if the feet grow, and not only that, also changed shape; Manuel was uncomfortable, thought it was a joke, but I hear the girl's voice calling from above, decided to keep walking, but things deteriorated dramatically, when the walls were messages written in blood suggesting you run out of that house up escuho a noise, like a silent coup that made him look up, but look down, had cages, many cages along the corridor, which had people locked up like animals, some already dead, many were boys his age, maybe missing, the truth is that it was obvious that there were imprisoned long ago, as some had already eaten their own body parts, could hardly moan, everything had become a nightmare, which Manuel I wanted to wake up ....

Manuel, for taking so long ?, look for something special ...... mostrate ..dijo the girl from her room, which Manuel had no intention of entering, I was so scared I could hardly take a step, I tried to return, but no longer Output had only facing into the room, the door opened slowly, everything was dark, but Manuel could make out a window ... .Also saw a huge figure in, something that no longer looked nothing like the beautiful girl met, but could not see who was and was not interested, it was clear that this was nothing more than a witch, or worse. Despite being so scared, I thought about closing, come running into the room without stopping and go out the window as soon as possible without getting caught, and he did, step running against the "girl" which attempt hold, ripping his arm, but still managed to jump out the window, breaking his leg when he fell, then managed to escape by crawling dark street ...

Manuel ... chavism escape from me ?, still do not see what you want to show returns ... I ..le the girl scream from the room, but with not as sweet as the voice he had.

A week later, Manuel back to school on crutches, I never commented to no one who lived that night, and never knew it was what the girl wanted to show you, but someone who could not pass up the opportunity to bother expected.

How are you ?, loser so now you are looking for a way to give girls hurt ?, you're a poor devil, never you will have a girlfriend, you'll never be like me ... ..le Roberto, which caused the sadness of Manuel said, but then I recalled that still kept something in his pocket, and this was the perfect time to get back at her stalker.

Roberto You know something? you're right, I'm a loser, and you see that you do not hold grudges, I'll give you something that I found a few days ago now, it was for you, forgive me not to give it to you before, it takes this role ... ..and do not stop calling, I assure you it is the most beautiful girl you've seen ...... .disfrutala.

Well, until finally, do something good ...... .perdedor !, clear that knocks, and will point in my ... Roberto .dijo one arrogant.

Manuel simply walked away without saying anything, but with a smile of satisfaction on his face.