The number 666

The strange thing was that as the days passed, the strange noises in the house were becoming more frequent those that seemed screams of people who were alive and mercilessly killed, one afternoon while she was alone at home decided to go investigate what caused the strange noises . I crossed the street to the strange house, while most watched most thought was uninhabited, but my sister always claimed that if he was ..

I approached the door .. that ugly old wooden door with that number to one side of it, "666". Tap 2 times, but got no response then tap again this time too I said "hello" but nobody answered, I thought maybe no one was home which was odd because 15 minutes ago noises were present, back to my house and penalties between the noise began to be heard again ..Corrí back to that strange house and touch again, nobody even answered me, look very puzzled house and felt like a cold air through my neck erizándome passed under the beautiful ..di a few steps toward a little dazed after, look back the house and felt that something was watching me from a window that was on the second floor

staring ..mire the window and saw something move toward the corner of the window, it was as if he were hiding from me, I felt very curious to get into that house ..I still kept looking out the window when a strong wind began blowing and big gray clouds covered the sky did not take long for a drop accounts were dropped against ..corrí soil into the house trying not to get wet too, and I took off between shoes were wet he had stepped in a puddle ... I went upstairs and I headed to my room, and from there the only thing I did was look at that house, and the more I looked killed more curious to find out who was inside that I was when my sister got home, played strong the door telling him to open, lower the stairs and opened the door. Quickly my sister entered and left a bag on the table ... as many times asked who inhabited this house but she always said Vivian old men there and stop and ask .. later that same day my sister was asleep in an armchair in the room, when I decided to go see the house again, did not know that I would not come back ... .. it was weird, the lights were off but was still raining, this time I did not even bother to knock, but opened it and between, the house was very scary looked like it lived people who were related to supernatural things on the walls hung portraits with strange figures and many creepy and weird symbols, but what most caught my attention was a box that was Down the hall, take it for best viewing, seeing him felt as if my eyes were seeing all in another dimension, to see him felt a sharp pain in the head to drop the box hiso

..parpadeaba strong, burning eyes was as if I had come to a very hot fire ..then turn my gaze to where it was supposed to be the door of the house, but saw only shadows passing around me beating in .comencé head thought it was just a horrible dream and tried to wake up ... but nothing changed still saw all those shadows around me ... and when you try to seek out all those horrible sounds I heard always started ringing again so strong that I felt the head I was going to explode ... I felt as if all the shadows gather around me and were watching me
..of soon my eyes clouded my body was asleep and my soul was lost in the dark .. or just woke god this is who she ..or expect me .but I do. here everything is so dark and dirty ... suddenly in the midst of the darkness came an old woman crawling on the floor and looked at me with those eyes so diabolical, held in one of his hands a knife, I trembled watched and tried to run but could not, was tied aa chair, I looked at me and the old woman said. " Let dear enters the oven'll buy you dinner ...