The Secret Friend (1st part)

She was anxious, was the start of school and I was very excited. Arrive at school and was very nervous because I did not know anyone there, reach the hall and between, good morning -, - good day - I answered the classroom teacher, -pasa-, between, and quickly felt like all eyes of those who were there noticed me .Take seat and the teacher started talking .more late Professor decided to do an activity, which would serve to know better. I take a red colored box and placed it on his desk. He began to explain how the activity would take place, and was to write a note to anyone in the classroom that you would like, saying some things that you wanted one would write the name of the person to whom you want to send the note but did not give yours.

Well .. start writing his letters the professor said, and started writing while writing one of my pencil was pushed aside my book falling to the table. pick up the pen and saw that on the table were a few scratches, which were letters forming a name "paolett" .. take it normally, and I thought it was a past student who had written his name there. then to erase the name use concealer and put my name on yours. When you finish writing my name I felt a look that came from the back of my bench, looked back and saw my companions only writing notes .volví eyes to what I was writing .aun still felt this dark and strange look came of the back ..terminamos our notes and notes had to leave the red box .. back to my seat and I again felt that cold, penetrating gaze ..

The teacher began handing out the notes I had sent arrived ,, many as nobody knew me, but then I read an article that left me flabbergasted .all things that told me they froze the body:

Hello. ..that Just wanted to tell you a fucking bitch, I hate you better get out of here, or if you will not regret.

Sincerely, your friend secret ..

For a moment I was stunned looking at the note, I could not believe anyone could write such a thing. I got up quickly from my seat and headed to where the teacher was very upset teach the note and read it as I could not believe my eyes. He rose from his seat and asked all students, Who was it? - Nobody knew to give explanation. The teacher said he had been, what were to do otherwise, would be punished.

So came the next day and the teacher asked us to write the note again and again write all the notes received from peers. Unfold one of the roles I had on my table and ......

Hello, I am writing to tell you you're a miserable, I hate you with all my heart you are the worst of this world why do not you fucking bitch out of here, I hate you.

Sincerely, your secret friend.

I almost fell faint to read again another notes that secret friend, once I got up again and I headed for the teacher to teach the note he had received. The teacher stood up and asked again if whoever wrote the note, he would not punish or send to call their parents only wanted to know who it was. But no one said anything,

I went out and got to my house very frightened because this strange sensation as dark look, not only at school I was now in my house and in my football games.

Days passed and the letters kept coming to me, until one morning ...