Wishing freedom

"Sometimes gain freedom is to live a conviction"

She crossing 16 with a great desire to experiment, to get own experiences, meet goals, in order to live wrong. It was at a stage of rebellion typical of adolescence and had a magnet to attract people who bordered crime as indicated by the "God and the devil made together," he said.

So in that time friendship with Carlos I started a provincial boy who was new to the school he was living with his aunt and apparently had been expelled from school as he registered.

Carlos was also known as Junior usual well tell it was called as the father slowly growing friendship was actually always looking for me to make any mischief or commit any wrongdoing.

My family was always right and good practice so that friendship with was not at all liked by anyone in the family, but with the typical rebellion of those years is believed that the world belongs to us to ignore how much warning me toward.

Conversations with Carlos were always banal and contained no personal touch but quite focused planning an occasional wrongdoing. On one occasion Carlos went to convince enter a video store and we we were to steal a few to sell cassettes logically as was his custom already had everything planned and just needed some helping hands.

One night without dificultas entered through a window and stole us some boxes containing VHS cassettes cleaners at that time was the highest technology.
All the stolen hid and waited as he always said that everything step to cool weather and prepared to sell the stolen so we went to another part of the city, trying to sell the mutiny which was not easy to walk making pilgrimage season in how much video store is crossed on the road without being able do it, tired from walking we set out to relax in a park, resting a little while we ate some souvenirs that we started talking that was the first time that we talk personal things and gave opening to ask him about his childhood after a long silence he said, you for me you are my brother and I'll tell you something that I hope you know save.

I was born in a provincial town where all the inhabitants were known my father also named Carlos and worked in mines in the insides of the people I am an only child but I have a large family with many cousins ​​and uncles.

My father was always a responsible person and our family lacked nothing in the typical limitations and passed my days until he was 9 years when misfortune visited the family illness I merely Pope to is extreme unable to move or speak only He went from bed to wheelchair My mother had to find work in the evening remember attending groceries to 12 noon to 7 pm, and the two took turns to meet Pope I studied in the morning and leave school hurried over to meet Pope and the years passed and the routine and boredom of my young age began to tire and actually harass.

He felt no freedom at times coming out earlier than usual or when I skip school I used to go along the river to see the waters of crabs, snails and I questioned how it would be a normal guy who has time to play, or attend a children's party to whom never attended to be the guide of my father.

With the passage of time the burden of responsibility that I had given it to me to almost untenable and though he never made him feel my father boredom that caused me care your carraspara that told me she was thirsty or sometimes cry in silence just could not get out to fly a kite or run as did the neighborhood children.

To my dismay the house was not ready to have a person in a wheelchair this was a tall house a large staircase and many steps impossible to get potato with the chair, I went over time becoming a child who spoke bit and had a series dreams awake in trying to live a different reality of my existence.

Gradually come to think that Pope had become a burden in addition to steal the time and money I stole Medicines freedom to live the childhood he so desired after having these thoughts I felt guilty, bad and cried.
While Charles recounted his memories showed in his face a very great sadness and I could see his watery eyes and clear questioned the actions of his mother by giving this responsibility but only silent as he continued telling.

A day comes early as usual I dedicate to my father while my annoyance of having to bear the burden I felt the scratchy i went for a glass of water came over, gave him to drink the water began to move the wheelchair and he was determined that I finish my sentence me near the edge of the stairs and push as hard as I could my heart beating a mile watching my father rolling down those stairs I hurried to leave the house for which I to go about it closed the doors and went to the river that river accomplice of all my sorrows cry God knows how I did, spent many spend hours a day until an aunt next to me was a cousin to see the banks of the river.

When I got home the curtains of the wake was installed my mother was not led me to one of the rooms that was just the wheelchair damaged my mother I go I told Carlos to God I've done, he never more gave me a word decided indicate my father was only accidentally edge of the step ladder and the accident.

I banish me from my house and I came to the city to live with my aunt but never got the freedom that both crave more than ever feel my father beside me every night and every day I swear that at times I see in his chair and I hear his hoarseness.
He said that the Pope would not let him dead now had it closer than ever and not question his sanity could feel that telling the truth felt sad but silent fear.

The truth we remained friends until the age of majority but with the passage of time took different paths I take judgment and seek the right path although we frequented from time to time.

One night and more invited me to a party that organized although I question the resort did finally attendees of that meeting were not at all to my liking I had left that world party already spread in the morning just to give both talking on children at a time waiting he said listen, listen and listen to scratchy swear someone as a chill came over me until the drunkenness was then said Pope wants to rest, said goodbye and left .

It was regrettable to learn that he was executed for his missteps and no longer belongs to this plane. Maybe someday they tell a horrific incident which we live.